Yellow Deli

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Yellow Deli. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment, cafe and food. You can find Yellow Deli at 214 Katoomba Street, Katoomba, New South Wales 2780.


Postal address:
214 Katoomba Street, Katoomba, New South Wales 2780
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Phone number:
+61 2 4782 9744

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Establishment   Cafe   Food  

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Opening times

We do not have information about the time of work.

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Reviews about Yellow Deli

  • Kit Gow
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    guy approached us on the way in and didn't direct us where to order when we said we would do take away as opposed to eat in, so we just kind of stood there for a bit? eventually he came back to us and took our order then told us to wait outside and he'd come get us when it was ready (since it was pretty busy). at some point after we'd seen our drinks and food sat on the counter for an age, the lady server brought it out to us - the drinks (hot not choc, dandelion latte) were lukewarm at best( and we watched the server through the window test the temp before she carries them out), the brownie was honestly a little undercooked, and we saved the fruit+nut slice til later, only to open the paper bag at our destination and discover it was a completely different thing (the maple cookie). it probably tasted the best of anything we had, so perhaps all the better we didn't get what we actually ordered after all?
    having worked in hospitality for years myself, i understand the demand of busy service, but i would have had to remake those drinks before they even left the drinks counter.
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The Yellow Deli - We Serve the Fruit of the Spirit, Why not Ask?
the yellow deli, deli rose, sandwiches, drinks, restaurant, reuben, bakery

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